1. Open Fax Voip T.38 Console.
2. In the Fax Voip T.38 Console, open the Outbox folder, Inbox folder or Fax-on-Demand folder.
3. In the details pane, right-click the fax or audio message you want to delete, and then click Delete.
4. Click Yes to confirm.
- You can also delete single or multiple faxes or audio messages from the File menu. Select the item or items to be deleted from the details pane, and then click Delete or use the Delete button on the Main tab of the Ribbon.
- To select multiple items for deletion, hold down the SHIFT key as you select.
- To delete only fax (audio) file, on the File menu, select Delete, and then click Delete fax or audio file. Note that this command does not remove the entries.
- To delete all entries in the currently visible folder, on the File menu, select Delete, and then click Delete all items.
- To delete all faxes and audio messages in the currently visible folder, on the File menu, select Delete, and then click Delete all faxes and audio messages. Note that this command does not remove the entries.