Monitoring and notifying

Sending Faxes ››
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When sending a fax, the information about outgoing fax progress is displayed in the Info panel in the main window. The following fax related information can be viewed:

In the case of a successful fax transmission, the Status: OK message is displayed in the Info panel.

If the fax transmission failed, the operation completion code containing the fax sending error is displayed in the Status field.

Outgoing fax notifications

Fax notifications are used to indicate the success or failure of faxes been sent. To enable or disable notifications, see in the Tray Notifications chapter of this user manual, The fax was sent successfully sent and The fax could not be sent options.

In the case of a successful fax transmission, The fax was sent successfully tray notification message is displayed. Clicking on the notification opens the Sent Faxes folder in the Log Book, where you can view more information about the fax.

If the fax transmission failed, The fax could not be sent tray notification message is displayed. Clicking on the notification opens the Sent Faxes folder in the Log Book, where you can view more information about the fax.