To view fax properties in the fax track window, click Properties in the ribbon. To show the preview pane, click Preview.
The following fax properties are displayed in the General tab:
Fax Properties (General)
- Recipient Number. The fax number associated with the recipient.
- Recipient Name. The name of the recipient. Can be displayed on the cover page.
- Pages. The total number of pages in the outbound fax.
- Status. The current status of the fax job (e.g In progress, Retrying, Completed).
- Extended Status. The fax job's extended status (e.g Dialing, Sending page..., No answer, Busy).
- CSID. The Called Subscriber ID (CSID) received from the fax recipient. The CSID usually consists of the recipient's fax number and business name.
- TSID. The transmitting station identifier (TSID) that was actually transmitted to the recipient. Depending on the fax server settings, it can be the same as fax number specified in the Sender Information, or it is specified by the settings of the fax device that was used for fax transmission, see also in the Configure Fax Station ID and Fax Headline chapter of this user manual.
- Device Name. The name of the device on which the fax message was transmitted. Example: Fax Voip 14.4K TAPI Voice-Fax Modem #2.
- Retries. In the case of a successfully sent fax, the number of times that the fax service attempted to transmit an outgoing fax after the initial transmission attempt failed. In the case of failed fax delivery, the number of times that the fax service attempted to transmit an outgoing fax. The total number of possible retries depends on the limit set.
- Scheduled Time. Indicates the time to submit the fax for processing to the fax service.
- Start Time. The time that the outbound fax job began transmitting.
- End Time. The time that the outbound fax job completed transmission.
- Duration. The duration of the fax transmission.
The following fax properties are displayed in the Details tab:
Fax Properties (Details)
- Document Name. The user-friendly name to display for the fax document.
- Cover Page. Indicates whether the fax has a cover page.
- Subject. Contains the contents of the subject field on the cover page of the fax.
- Size. The size, in kilobytes, of the Tagged Image File Format Class F (TIFF Class F) file associated with the outbound fax.
- Priority. Priority used when sending the fax; for example, normal, low, or high priority.
- Job ID. The unique identifier for the outbound fax job. You can use the identifier to retrieve the archived fax message after the job completes successfully. You should use this identifier when starting SendFaxMS.exe with /JobID= command line option to track previously created fax.
- Broadcast ID. The unique identifier assigned to the fax job during the submission process. When you submit a fax to be sent to more than one recipient, separate fax jobs will be created, but as part of the same fax broadcast, they will share the same Broadcast ID.
- Submission Time. The time that the outbound fax was submitted for processing.
- Original Scheduled Time. The time that the fax was originally scheduled for transmission.
- Scheduled Type. Specifies the schedule type that was used for the transmission. This property can indicate the following: the fax should be transmitted right away, that it should be sent at a specified time, or that it should be sent during a period of discounted rates.
- Receipt Type. Specifies the type of delivery receipt to deliver when the fax message reaches a final state. The receipt type can be Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) mail or no receipt. Native E-mail Delivery Receipts are only available in Windows Server OS (e.g. Windows Server 2022), see also in the E-mail Receipts (native) chapter of this user manual.
- Receipt Address. The e-mail address to which the native delivery report will be sent.
- Group Broadcast Receipts. Indicates whether to send an individual delivery receipt for each recipient of the broadcast or to send a summary receipt for all recipients.
The following fax properties are displayed in the Sender Information tab:
Fax Properties (Sender Information)
- Name. The name of the sender.
- Fax Number. Fax number associated with the sender.
- E-mail. The e-mail address associated with the sender.
- Title. The title associated with the sender.
- Company. The company name associated with the sender. Usually displayed at the top of each faxed page (Fax Headline).
- Department. The department name associated with the sender.
- Office Location. The office location of the sender.
- Work Phone. The office telephone number associated with the sender.
- Home Phone. The home telephone number associated with the sender.
- Address. The street address associated with the sender. The street address should also include the city, state, zip code (postal code) and country/region for the sender.
- Billing Code. The billing code associated with the sender.
- TSID. The transmitting station identifier (TSID) for the sender's device, usually the same as fax number specified in the Sender Information. Note that depending on the fax server settings, it may be different from the actually transmitted Fax ID, see also in the Configure Fax Station ID and Fax Headline chapter of this user manual.
The Preview tab is used to preview the fax.
Fax Preview