E-mail Settings (E-mail Delivery Receipts)

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E-mail Settings

After sending a fax to send delivery receipt by e-mail

This option allows to enable or disable e-mail sending. To enable the rule, check this option. To disable e-mail sending, uncheck it. If the rule is disabled, Fax Voip FSP takes this rule into account (as in the case of enabled) but does not send delivery receipt to the specified e-mail addresses. This can be used to temporarily stop sending receipts for specified recipient's fax number or fax account.

Mail to

In this area, you can specify e-mail message recipients.

Type recipient’s E-mail Address

The e-mail address of the e-mail recipient that you want to add, should be initially entered in this field.

Type recipient’s name (optional)

The name of the e-mail recipient should be initially entered in this field.

<Address Book>

Click to select e-mail recipients from Address Book (Windows Contacts).

Message recipients


Use this button to add e-mail recipient to the main list of e-mail recipients. The e-mail address and the recipient’s name should be initially entered in the Type recipient’s E-mail Address and Type recipient’s name (optional) fields.


Use this button to remove e-mail recipient from the main list of e-mail recipients.


Use this button to add e-mail recipient to the Cc list of e-mail recipients. The e-mail address and the recipient’s name should be initially entered in the Type recipient’s E-mail Address and Type recipient’s name (optional) fields.


Use this button to remove e-mail recipient from the Cc list of e-mail recipients.


Use this button to add e-mail recipient to the Bcc list of e-mail recipients. The e-mail address and the recipient’s name should be initially entered in the Type recipient’s E-mail Address and Type recipient’s name (optional) fields.


Use this button to remove e-mail recipient from the Bcc list of e-mail recipients.